"...for one of the nicest things about mathematics, or anything else you might care to learn, is that many of the things which can never be, often are. You see it's very much like your trying to reach Infinity. You know that it's there, but you just don't know where-but just because you can never reach it doesn't mean that it's not worth looking for."-Phantom Tollbooth
Infinity: The quality of being infinite. : Unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity: Boundlessness
Reaching God is much like trying to reach Infinity. God is infinite. He is not bound by space or time. He has no end and no beginning-yet He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end. We know we're supposed to pursue holiness and Godliness but we can never be perfect. (That is until of course we've been glorified in Heaven and all that jazz) But just because we can never truly achieve that on earth does not mean we should give up trying. There is always room to grow, always a higher goal to achieve.
Have you ever experienced wanting something desperately? Aching and yearning for that one thing-then when it finally happens there's almost a letdown? "OK that's accomplished. Now what?" If all our goals are earthly goals, eventually we will be let down. So we create new goals which is wonderful-but even then not all of those will stretch over into eternity. However, the quest for the Lord will never leave us with spiritual postpartum depression of you will. This letdown after a goal is reached is common: The honeymoon phase ends, the baby blues, etc. etc. etc.
You know how we always want what we can't have? Perhaps that tendency was built within us in the first place. I think the desire for the unattainable is a beautiful thing! We like a challenge. We feel dangerous and risque even. That should be how we seek God-knowing we don't have a chance in Hell (pardon the pun) but seeking Him anyway. We'll never fully comprehend His majesty,love and might but I'll (literally) be damned if I don't try to get to Infinity in Him!
Reaching God is much like trying to reach Infinity. God is infinite. He is not bound by space or time. He has no end and no beginning-yet He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end. We know we're supposed to pursue holiness and Godliness but we can never be perfect. (That is until of course we've been glorified in Heaven and all that jazz) But just because we can never truly achieve that on earth does not mean we should give up trying. There is always room to grow, always a higher goal to achieve.
Have you ever experienced wanting something desperately? Aching and yearning for that one thing-then when it finally happens there's almost a letdown? "OK that's accomplished. Now what?" If all our goals are earthly goals, eventually we will be let down. So we create new goals which is wonderful-but even then not all of those will stretch over into eternity. However, the quest for the Lord will never leave us with spiritual postpartum depression of you will. This letdown after a goal is reached is common: The honeymoon phase ends, the baby blues, etc. etc. etc.
You know how we always want what we can't have? Perhaps that tendency was built within us in the first place. I think the desire for the unattainable is a beautiful thing! We like a challenge. We feel dangerous and risque even. That should be how we seek God-knowing we don't have a chance in Hell (pardon the pun) but seeking Him anyway. We'll never fully comprehend His majesty,love and might but I'll (literally) be damned if I don't try to get to Infinity in Him!
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