Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Again? Seriously?

Have you ever though you learned a lesson? Thought you finally understood? Finally overcame a struggle…only to fall once again hard to the ground in defeat? WHY? Why when I know better do I so easily fall back again and again into the same mistakes? I know better. I know it’s a weakness. But still, I fall-again. I have taken so many tumbles of this kind, that my spirit must be black and blue with bruises. I know that that stumbling block is there, yet perhaps instead of steering clear, I’ll try to just get real close without actually touching it, try to sneak around as close as I can to that dangerous line. Then, as time and again I find myself wounded and ashamed I resolve again to do better, I fall still harder and despair. The discouragement is enough to leave me ready to give up. It’s impossible. I have asked for forgiveness so many times God must think I’m playing a game. I have worn out that prayer and I shouldn’t bother asking-it’s impossible so what’s the point?

The point is that God is beyond possibility.

I have a theory.

We try to do things our way first. For some reason we don’t look to God until He is a last resort or until something drastic enough happens to get our attention. Maybe when His voice is still small, we don’t think He really means it-or maybe it was our imaginations. We don’t always get it until the consequences trouble us. Yet, we are a selectively tenacious people. We will hang on to our will and way as long as possible, letting go only little by little, and often kicking and screaming. Thus, we drag out our growth process. If once we fail to pass a test, does it simply stop?

No, we will continue to face tests of that kind until we pass.

Only then can we grow and move forward.

How I have lamented to costs of lessons learned late! Wept over prices that were too high, or simply kicked myself for the accumulation of all those little trips and falls that have slowly covered that light within.

I believe we will repeatedly face the same mountains and temptations until we have entirely submitted then to Christ and been totally purified. Perhaps each time around we burn off a bit more of the chaff-but until all the impurities have been brought to the surface to be wiped away, we will stay in that refining fire.

We will stay there until we begin to reflect Christ in that area of our lives.

How strange is it that there must be fire for growth! It seems impossible. Yet, think of a great forest. Unless fire opens the pinecones, they will not grow. Unless, we burn away the chaff, the wheat will be choked out. Though painful, that searing dancing heat is what transforms us into a new creation. As a phoenix from the ashes, are we from the threshing floor-if we pass the test.

So, if you find yourself once again in the flames of a familiar fire, keep your eyes open, for an opportunity lies before you. An opportunity to grow. Endeavor to pass the test. Humble yourself. Admit you need Him to have victory-that you cannot do it on your own. Recognize what is at stake. With each test, the stakes go up. The consequences and rewards will have greater impact.

What do you have to lose?
What do you have to gain?

I think when we get vision. When we can truly see-the binds will break.

Every time you begin to slip beneath the waves, look up.
Every time you trip over that rock, look up.
Every time you stray, look up.

For Christ is an ever-fixed mark on whom we can base our next move.

And He’ll be there.


And again

And again…