Thursday, August 28, 2008

What's Right With You?

Have you ever just needed a good jolt to remind you that the sun is still shining? That you don't really need to wander aimlessly in the depths of despair? Well, what started out as a fairly charming line of a love song, became also a joyful & loving reminder of how great life really is. Just a simple phrase that a very dear friend would ask me when I seemed to be lacking in perspective:

"What's right with you?"

Yeah, so I admit, I am one of those glass half full "praisalleuia-for-the-glass!" kind of people. But even we, the annoyingly happy, can get discouraged. In fact, it has been occurring with a noted increase in frequency lately which is none too thrilling. So, as I deal with hurts and frustrations on a now more regular basis I need to remember all those things that are right with my world.

Dimensional Love or the Divine Paradox

For some time I have been pondering this, and well, its just about time I finally wrote some of it out! Is it just me or does an awful lot of the Bible seem initially contradictory? There seem to be so many paradoxes I often have wondered just what to make of them. Think about it: God is the lion-and the lamb. He gently loves a child yet a word from Him is mighty enough to make mountains tremble and storms cease. He is holy and righteous, but also forgiving and kind. He can be a judge or an advocate, a friend or a father. At one point this put me in a slight conundrum. How could this be? How can God possibly be merciful and at the same time a fair and righteous judge? But He is. I've seen several illustrations of all these varying aspects of God. One quite effective, if somewhat cliche, is that of a diamond or precious gem. They have facets, yes? God too has many sides, and we can't always see them at once. While we may see a new side, the gem didn't change-only our perspective. Remember, He is the great I Am. He is. That's a rather all encompassing phrase. While so many adjectives describe our Lord, not one covers it all. So-He is. At certain times we will see a particular aspect of God's character. There may come a time when we see Him as our chastiser and judge. Yet, He is still merciful and loving. He's our Shepherd, our Friend and also our Husband. I'm sure I could never find an end to the different aspects of Him. Lately, I have begun to see Him in some new light. Particularly as the bridegroom-something I knew, but didn't really know. It seems as I grow I become more aware of God's workings. And that's the way it should be. So, like a diamond has various dimensions so does God-and God is love.

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power together with all the saints to grasp how wide, and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:17-19

When we first start out in anything we have a very elementary knowledge. As we continue on whatever course that may be, we will see things we had no concept of at the first. Things will be unveiled and revealed. At the beginning of someone's knowing Jesus, it is easy to know Him solely as Savior. Then, we see Him as Lord. The same God that brought down fire and judgement is the same that left 99 to find you. So, God doesn't change-He is the same yesterday, today and forever. I think as we journey forward we begin to see that there is more to our Lord than we ever imagined. Some days I must remember that He is slow to anger and abounding in love. Some days I need to know His power and might. Some days I need boldness. Some I need meekness. Some days I need Him to give me more words, others I need to rest in the quiet. He is the author and finisher of our faith. He meets all our needs.Who knows what we might discover if we try go grasp each of those pictures of our God.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Believing ON

You may ask, "Do you believe in Jesus?"
Many many people will respond in the affirmative. "Sure I believe in Jesus".
However, believing in Jesus is not enough. Oh really? You ask. Indeed. My pastor pointed out that there are places in scripture that tell us to believe ON Christ. Mhh, I'd never given that much thought. What's the difference between believing in and believing on?

To believe on something is to put your full weight on it. It is trusting that the object of your belief will hold you up and keep you from falling. Resting fully.

Let's use a cheesy illustration, shall we?

Suppose there is a chair in the room you're in.
Do you believe in the chair?
Why of course, it's right here.
Now sit in it.
If you trust that you can sit on that chair and it will not crumble beneath you, then you believe on the chair. If on the other hand, you decline the offer of that seat as you question the weight capacity of said chair then you are not. You see there is a difference.

What would our faith look like if we took this same perspective to our Lord?

Many believe in the existence of Jesus-but when push comes to shove, what does that belief really mean? Is there any weight to it? So when in comes to the pain or questions in our lives do we put them fully on God or do we hang on, trying to maintain control? If we are believing on Him there is no need to worry, no need to manipulate or strategize. We can lay back in the arms of our Savior and know that His plans and purposes will come to pass.

Be still and know that He is God.

In Him we will find our rest.