Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Worth My Life

Part A

While in the Dominican Republic, Mike preached at the Big Tent a sermon entitled, “Dead Man Walking”. He started out sharing the lyrics to “Live Like You Were Dying”. We shout “seize the day!” and similar mantras. Unfortunately such zeal is generally fleeting, like a fading mist.

He then said that prisoners on death row are considered the most dangerous. Why? Because they have nothing left to lose. They already know their life is going to be taken, so what can men possibly do to them? Jesus of Nazareth was such a man. He knew He was being led to His execution-He knew his time was short. He took hold of every opportunity.

~If Christ is for us who can be against us?
~We must daily die to self, take up our cross and follow Him.
~Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

What have we to fear? Christ has defeated death!

So, knowing that we are but strangers in this world, that we daily die to self, and are on the road to our physical death…why do we fear? We behave as though we are subject to the same laws that govern the carnal nature. But we are not! We live by the Spirit! We should have the same courage and fearlessness; that boldness that only those with nothing more to lose can walk in. We should be dangerous. Our daily acts should push back the enemies’ battle lines and we should be claiming souls for the Kingdom.

Mike then preached the same sermon back in Lakeland. It hit me both times.

I have now taken it a step further. These are two separate accounts, but in my mind this is the progression, so follow if you dare my stream do consciousness.

Part B

Trying to share a passion for missions with someone of a dissimilar passion can be a challenge. Because we are wired for different purposes we simply can’t wrap our brain around different callings. Once while expressing my heart to my dad and my willingness to go into dangerous areas. He said, “Natalie, I love you passion. Just use some common sense. It’s not worth your life.” Now, of course being my daddy he has to look out for his little girl. I’m not sure now what I said at the time, but since then a fitting response has come to me.

I don’t want to live for something if it’s not worth my life.

Whatever I do must be worth my life. I must have a passion-a willingness to suffer and sacrifice in order to see the will of God done. If not, what’s the point? To build my life on any foundation other than an eternal one is to build a castle in the sand…and why should I build a castle in the sand when I can have a mansion in the heavens? I want adventure. I want to see people transformed. I want my life to be an investment and alter to eternity. To put the work of my heart and my hands where moth and rust cannot consume. Where thieves cannot break in and steal. I want to store up treasures in Heaven. I thrive on the move of God and find myself parched when caught up in the status quo. So much is fleeting. I want to chase after that crown that will last forever. I want to expand the Kingdom everywhere I go! I want God to be glorified in every move-every breath I take. We are bombarded with opportunity and chances to do the good work we are here to do. So, we have a choice. We can “eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die” or we can take hold of eternity and try to take as many people along for the ride as we possibly can. I will not live a life as a castle on the sand. On the Rock I will build my life and no howling storm or tidal wave will bring to ruin what God has built! I want the chaff burned away and His face to be my reflection as I come through the Refiner’s fire.

So, if you're going to live like you were dying-make sure what you’re living for is worth dying for.

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